2024 Elgin Federation of Agriculture Educational Bursary
The Elgin Federation of Agriculture (EFA) is a member-based county affiliate of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), one of Ontario’s general farm organizations. The EFA supports and advocates on behalf of 1100+ farm families in the County of Elgin while raising awareness of the importance of agricultural and food systems. The EFA would like to assist EFA members and their families through the development of an educational bursary. The $500 cash bursary will be awarded to a family member of an EFA member. The bursary will be given to an applicant that demonstrates their ability and desire to use their post-secondary education to benefit agriculture.
Please note- the applicant can be going into something other than an agricultural-specific program, but one that could assist in the agricultural industry as a whole. Trade schools and business schools will be accepted. Applications and any supporting documents are to be submitted by June 30th, 2024. The successful applicant will be notified by the end of July and present their cheque at the OFA Regional Meeting in August.
Written Submission and Supporting Documents: In 500 words or less tell why you deserve this scholarship. Preferential consideration given to those with community involvement and those that demonstrate how their education will support the future of agriculture. At your convenience include pictures or documentation to support your case.
You can download an application here.
If you would like to apply, e-mail: elginfarmers@gmail.com with your applicant information and written submission/supporting documents.